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System Requirements

Minimum System Requirements:
Browser: Internet Explorer 7.x or 8, Firefox 3.x, Safari 4.x
Browser Settings: JavaScript and cookies enabled.
Hardware: Monitor resolution set at 1024 x 768 with hi-color/16-bit color or equivalent and 56K modem.

Remote Access Proxy Configuration:
Configuration notes for EZProxy and Innovative Interface Proxy (III) with sample configuration files can be found at

Disclaimer: The publisher has done its best to make sure the instructions and/or recipes in this site are correct. However, users should apply judgment and experience when preparing recipes, especially parents and teachers working with young people. The publisher accepts no responsibility for the outcome of any recipe included in this site.

For Further Assistance
If you require further assistance, remember that technical support is free with all ABC-CLIO electronic products. Please call or email us at:
130 Cremona Drive
Santa Barbara, CA 93117
(800) 368-6868
Techincal Support E-mail